Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep was first released in Japan in December, 1993. It was the number one selling game the week after its release. The first English language version was released in 1994 for the Sega CD. After many delays, the U.S. and European versions for Macintosh, PC and Amiga were released by Interplay Productions in 1995 and 1996.
The game is available on PC, Amiga, Macintosh, Sega CD (North America) / Mega CD (Europe and Japan), PC-9801, PC-9821, IBM PS/V and FM-Towns.
I gathered the Dungeon Master II reference information you will find on this site by playing with the PC version of Dungeon Master II.
Here are some differences between the versions of the game:
Graphics: The game was designed and released on most platforms (Amiga, Macintosh Japanese, Sega CD / Mega CD, PC-9801, PC-9821, IBM PS/V, FM-Towns) with 16 colors graphics. Interplay decided to upgrade the graphics to 256 colors (and change the style of creatures) for the PC and Macintosh English versions. There are many graphical differences between the PC and Amiga versions. For example, the title and endgame animations are very different. While the PC-9821 has normal graphics, the screenshots on Dungeon Master II for PC-9801 show bad quality dithered graphics.
Movement: In Amiga, FM-Towns, PC-9801, Sega / Mega CD and PC Beta versions, movement from one square to the next is instant, like in the original Dungeon Master. In Macintosh (English and Japanese), PC, PC-9821 and PS/V versions there is a short zoom effect to produce an intermediary step that makes movement more fluid.
Credits: The PC version has an animation for credits.
Music: The game music is not the same in all versions:
There is no music in the PC (Beta version), IBM PS/V and PC-9801 versions.
The Amiga version contains 10 tracks (modules) that are unique to this version.
The PC version contains 29 MIDI tracks. They may sound differently on different sound cards.
The Macintosh (US) version contain 28 MIDI tracks played with a software synthesizer built into the game.
The Macintosh (Japanese), PC-9821, FM-Towns and Sega CD / Mega CD use audio CD tracks that are unique to these versions. The Sega CD / Mega CD version has one less music track than the others.
Screen layouts: As visible on the screenshots on Dungeon Master II for Macintosh page, this version includes two screen layouts: a normal and a compact layout.
Saving/Loading: Both the Japanese and US versions can save the game from the Macintosh menu on top of the screen and allow creating any number of saved game files with the file names of your choice. The Macintosh US version even allows starting a new game and loading a saved game at any time during gameplay from the same menu.
Magazine articles
Famitsu (Japan)
Dungeon Master II (Mega CD) News
Famitsu (Japan), Issue No 214 22 January 1993, Page 101