Browse Games

Dungeon Master for Super NES / Super Famicom



Version 1.x Japanese
Dungeon Master (Japan, Super Famicom) - Introduction
Dungeon Master (Japan, Super Famicom)
Dungeon Master (Japan, Super Famicom) - Main Menu
Dungeon Master (Japan, Super Famicom)
Main Menu
Dungeon Master (Japan, Super Famicom) - Dungeon view
Dungeon Master (Japan, Super Famicom)
Dungeon view
Dungeon Master (Japan, Super Famicom) - Inventory
Dungeon Master (Japan, Super Famicom)
Version 1.x English
Dungeon Master (Super NES) - Introduction
Dungeon Master (Super NES)
Dungeon Master (Super NES) - Main Menu
Dungeon Master (Super NES)
Main Menu
Dungeon Master (Super NES) - Door
Dungeon Master (Super NES)
Dungeon Master (Super NES) - Dungeon view
Dungeon Master (Super NES)
Dungeon view
Dungeon Master (Super NES) - Inventory
Dungeon Master (Super NES)


Dungeon Master for Super NES Trailer

Dungeon Master for Super NES - Intro (English)
Dungeon Master for Super NES - Outro (English)
Dungeon Master for Super Famicom - Intro (Japanese)
Dungeon Master for Super Famicom - Outro (Japanese)


Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - SPC [Credits:]
This archive contains 19 SPC files from Dungeon Master for Super NES / Super Famicom. SPC files contain a dump of the console’s sound chip RAM. See table below for a description of each file.
In order to play these files, you can use SNESAmp which is a Winamp plug-in that can also be used with XMPlay. There are also many other tools and players on SPC Players/Utilities page at Zophar’s Domain.
MP3 recordings
The following MP3 files were recorded with Audacity while the game was running in the bsnes emulator. The game ROM was modified to change which track to play in the Hall of Champions at (00,08,04) to make it easy to play all tracks and two unused tracks were also found.
In the game, music starts playing when the party moves to the listed square coordinates. The track numbers are those used internally by the game.
Track indexWhere the music is played

(Level, X, Y)
Corresponding SPC file name

and description
Dungeon Master (Super NES) - Swoosh
Title screendm-01.spc Swoosh
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 00
UnusedNo SPC file available yet
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 01
(00,08,04)dm-04.spc Hall of Champions
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 02
(02,14,27)dm-06.spc Chambers of the Guardian
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 03
(02,25,22), (04,08,20)dm-07.spc Room of the Gem, After Teleports
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 04
(09,19,39)dm-15.spc Scorpions!
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 05
(07,45,14)dm-13.spc Gigglers
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 06
(02,12,14), (04,26,17)dm-08.spc The Matrix, Forever Room
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 07
(09,13,22)dm-14.spc Choose your Fate
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 08

(01,15,40), (13,49,38)
dm-03.spc Entrance, Power Gem, End screen
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 09
(01,07,26), (03,12,08)dm-05.spc Screamers
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 10
(05,13,25), (08,20,36)dm-11.spc RiddleRoom, NotRock
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 11
(06,19,11)dm-12.spc Tomb of the Firestaff
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 12
(05,25,18)dm-10.spc I Hate Cowards
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 13
(03,28,30), (12,37,41)dm-09.spc Prepare to meet your Doom, Lord Chaos
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 14
(11,36,45)dm-17.spc The Lone Knight
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 15
Introductiondm-02.spc Introduction
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 16
End creditsdm-18.spc End credits
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 17
(10,13,10), (11,21,42)dm-16.spc Clockwise
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Track 18


Famitsu (Japan)
Mouse (Super Famicom) Article - Famitsu (Japan), Issue No 167 28 February 1992, Page 8
Mouse (Super Famicom) Article
Famitsu (Japan), Issue No 167 28 February 1992, Page 8


Known versions:

  • Version 1.0 English (NTSC)
  • Version 1.0 English (PAL)
  • Version 1.0 Japanese (NTSC)
  • Version 1.1 Japanese (NTSC)


Dungeon Master (Super NES)
Dungeon Master for Super NES version 1.0 (English, NTSC)
Dungeon Master for Super NES version 1.0 (English, PAL)
Dungeon Master for Super Famicom version 1.0 (Japanese NTSC)
Dungeon Master for Super Famicom version 1.1 (Japanese NTSC)

See also: How to play Super NES / Super Famicom games under Windows? (Dungeon Master)


Stamina Load Bug
There is a bug in all Super Famicom / Super NES versions (and not on any other platform): if the stamina of a champion goes down to 0 then the maximum load of that champion also goes down to 0. In other versions, low stamina also decreases the maximum load but not down to 0. Here is how to reproduce this issue: reincarnate Leyla, place her rope in her action hand, and then use the ‘Climb down’ action until her stamina is reduced to 0. Open the inventory to check that maximum load is 0:
Dungeon Master (USA, Super NES) - Version 10 Stamina Load Bug
Cause: the maximum load value depends on the stamina value. However, the code in function F0306_CHAMPION_GetStaminaAdjustedValue is different for the Super Famicom / Super NES versions compared to all other versions.
[Credits: Shu]
Skill level names
Both English versions contain a bug that is not present in any other version of the game, including both Japanese SNES versions: As shown on the screenshots below, ‘master’ skill level names are prefixed with characters ’ ’ ‘a’ ‘b’ ‘c’ ’d’ ’e’ instead of the appropriate power symbols Dungeon Master (Atari ST) - Symbol Lo Dungeon Master (Atari ST) - Symbol Um Dungeon Master (Atari ST) - Symbol On Dungeon Master (Atari ST) - Symbol Ee Dungeon Master (Atari ST) - Symbol Pal Dungeon Master (Atari ST) - Symbol Mon.
Dungeon Master (Europe, Super NES) - Master Skill Names Dungeon Master (Japan, Super NES) - Master Skill Names
Saved game corruption
The Japanese version 1.0 contains a bug that was fixed in version 1.1 and in both English versions: If you come back to the dungeon entrance with the Firestaff (not completed with the power gem) to see the alternate ending, the game hangs and the saved game data is corrupted so that you cannot restore it anymore.
Hissssa’s name
The Japanese version 1.0 contains a bug that was fixed in version 1.1 and in both English versions: If you open the inventory of a champion other than Hissssa then move to Hissssa’s inventory, then Hissssa’s name does not fully overwrite the previous champion name. On the screenshot below, the other champion (Alex) is the party leader: his name was printed in yellow and the last character of his name remains on screen, following Hissssa’s name printed in gray (right above the eye icon).
Dungeon Master (Japan, Super Famicom) - Version 10 Hissssa Name Bug