

TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
PageHow to play FM-Towns games under Windows? (Dungeon Master, Chaos Strikes Back and Dungeon Master II) ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageHow to play Atari ST games under Windows? (Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back) ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageHow to play Apple IIGS games under Windows? (Dungeon Master) ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageHow to play Amiga games under Windows? (Dungeon Master, Chaos Strikes Back and Dungeon Master II) ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageWhere can I download Dungeon Master, Chaos Strikes Back, Dungeon Master II, Theron's Quest or Dungeon Master Nexus? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageWhere can I buy Dungeon Master, Chaos Strikes Back, Dungeon Master II, Theron's Quest or Dungeon Master Nexus? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageWhat is Dungeon Master Plus? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageWhat happened to FTL and the developers? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageIs there a PC version of Chaos Strikes Back? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageHow to decompress archives from this site? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageWhy do my champions move so slowly? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageWhat is the use of the Green Gem, Magnifier, Rabbit's Foot, Ekkhard Cross and <place your item name here>? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageWhat is the effect of cursed items? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageWhat can I do when one of my champions is dead? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageThe party suddenly dies without reason ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageIs there any way to recharge magical items? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageIn Dungeon Master, what is the alternate ending that I have heard about? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageIn Chaos Strikes Back, how do I get in the Death Row? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageI saved my game in a situation I can't get out of, or my saved game is broken, what can I do? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageI found a Chaos Strikes Back cheat on the web/in a magazine, but it doesn't work ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageHow do I know the power of a potion? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageHow can I import my Dungeon Master champions in Chaos Strikes Back? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageHow can I create Ful Bombs, food and water? ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageDungeon Master Nexus Manual - English Translation ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago
PageDungeon Master Nexus Level 10 (Alternate) ChristopheF038 weeks 6 days ago