Fallen Angel Proudly Presents ANARCHY AMIGA 1.21 (C) September 7th, 1990 Fallen Angel, Anarchy Amiga, & Citadel Harrier ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anarchy Amiga is intended to be the ultimate guide to Amiga Cheats, and at the time it is by far the most complete compilation of its kind yet. You too can contribute to Anarchy Amiga by sending cheats you have discovered & help keep Anarchy Amiga alive. Help distribute this guide, upload it on every board you can! This will in sure that the most people will have access to the finest resource for cheats in the Amiga community. Please do not modify this file in any way. The guide is updated periodically so be sure to be on the lookout for the newest vers- ion. The guide is updated one .01 for every new submission. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.P.B. Hold the button as you drive for the siren, all the cars ahead will pull over to let you pass. AFTER THE WAR Invincibilty can be yours if you hold all these keys at once: Level One - ALT 1 B Level Two - ALT 1 M For level 2 just enter 101069. AFTERBURNER Type TOGETHER IN ELECTRIC DREAMS then these keys: < - Down Level > - Up Level G - Extra Missles N - Extra Lives ARCHIPELAGOS Finish the first two Archipeligos and hit RETURN to select another. Type 8421 and hit RETURN twice. Now you can go wherever you want. ARKANOID Pause the game (SPACE BAR), type DSIMAGIC and unpause. Now you have all these great cheats at your disposal. B - Break Opens gates so you can leave, plus bonus points C - Catch Lets you catch the ball D - Disrupt Splits into 3 seperate balls E - Expand Gives you much larger VAUS F - Finale Skip to last level and fight DOH L - Laser Lets you shoot bricks P - Play Bonus Extra man S - Slow Makes the ball really slow and easy to hit Note that you can use all functions as many times as you need, plus you can have several modes active at once. Also press ENTER to skip levels. ARKANOID II - REVENGE OF DOH Type DEBBIE S on high score screen for infinites. BAAL During the load push the right button for infinite lives as the screen blanks. BARBARIAN Type 04-08-59 for near invilnerability. BARDS TALE I - TALES OF THE UNKNOWN To get more gold than you will ever need (and then some), transfer all the parties gold to one player. Save him to disk then load him back up and transfer all to another. Keep repeating this process till you have done it to all the players, then exit without saving. Load back up and all your players will have the amount of gold equal to that of the en- tire party before. Reapeat until satisfied. BATMAN THE MOVIE Type JAMMMM on the intro screen for infinte lives. Hit F10 after this to skip levels. BATTLE SQUADRON Type CASTOR for invulnerability. Type ELECTRONIC on the intro to call up the game option editor. BEACH VOLLEYBALL DADDY BRACEY will activate level skips. Now hit F1 to skip levels. BETTER DEAD THAN ALIEN You can move your ship even when the games paused (ESC). To skip to the last level type QUARANTINE. Typing CHAMP then pressing HELP will show you the cheats available. BEYOND THE GATES Entering THE END OF TIME DRAWS NEAR will call up a full character editor that allows you to change your stats and add any item to your inventory. BUBBLE BOBBLE If you can get to boards 10, 20, 30 & 40 without dying a door will appear to take you to a secret level. On boards 7 & 22 wait a few seconds until the umbrelkla falls and grab it, you will warp ahead 6 levels. CAPONE For invincibilty just shoot the top of the flag pole twice in front of the post office. CARRIER COMMAND Type THE BEST IS YET TO BE with game paused and hit the + key on the numeric keypad for near invincibilty. CHAMPIONS OF KRYNN See the entry for Pool of Radiance to find out how to cheat. CHAOS STRIKES BACK Find a dragon and cast MON ZO GOR SAR and hit ESC to pause the game. Hold down the ALT key and type in LORD LIBRASULUS SMITHES THEE DOWN. Unpuse the game and slay the beast. He leaves behind a firestaff and your party will be invincible. CHASE H.Q. Hold the left mouse button and fire and type GROWLER. Press T for more time now. Before each new level finishes talking hit space and use a free nitro. X & Z make steering easier. CLOWN 'O MANIA Press HELP for extras. CONTINENTAL CIRCUS When the first red light comes on push forward. As the second comes up, release. On green push forward. The faster the better. CURSE OF THE AZURE BONDS See the entry for Pool of Radiance to find out how to cheat. CYBERNOID At the front screen type RAISTLIN and hit SPACE for infinites. Press N to skip levels. CYBERNOID II Type NECRONOMICON on the intro screen. Press N to skip levels. DATASTORM Hit F10 on the brag screen for some messages. DENARIS Press Z, plug mouse in port 2, hold right button as loads. DEFENDER OF THE CROWN While loading, hold down K for 1,024 knights in your army and castle. Only works on some versions. DOGS OF WAR Type TIMBO then hit F5 for invincibility. DRAGON SCAPE Press TAB then hit 2 for warps to the next level. DRAGON SPIRIT Hit F9 to pause the game then type DRAGON HEAD and then F10. DRAGONS LAIR To watch the game demo press all these at once ESC R/LN7. Then pres fire. DRAKKEN For a better character: Get into the character generator section, and enter the character name as 31415927. Then when you are next asked for your name, enter SUPERVISOR. Now play the game and press CONTROL. When a monster appears, quicly hit RETURN. You will do a half turn, take advantage of this and run away. DRIVIN FORCE Click on the both of the 'i' in DRIVIN at main and during the game you cant leave the track. DUNGEON MASTER To see someone interesting face the entrance and cast OH EW RA. To advance ninjas have them stand in a hall and throw weapons. Retrieve and repeat. Magic Users should cast spells in the air and fighters just slash at empty space. Here are some undocumented spells: YA BRO ROS - Leaves a trail of footprints VI BRO - Shield poison DES IR SAR - Darkness FUL BRO NETA - Fire ball shield OH KATH RA - Lightning Bolt ZO - Open doors DES EW - Weakens non-corperal (undead) beings DYNAMITE DUX Type CHEAT to do so. Hit F1-F6 for level skips. Type NUDE to box. DYNASTY WARS At the title type CHEAT MODE and hit F2 to skip levels. ELITE When the title screen with the rotating ships appear press A. This will stop the ship from moving. To move or rotate the ship, press the arrow keys, and to get more rotations hold down the A key while pressing an arrow key. To move the ship toward or away from you press O or I . Press D when your finished. Press W while flying to tell your score and the authors credits. EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Hold down the HELP key and type XIFARG ROTKEV. You can now use the number keys to play the sampled speech and L, C, & D to bring up pictures of Luke, C3PO & Darth Vader. EXOLON Type AD ASTRA at high scores for infinites. EYE OF HORUS After PRESS FIRE TO START appears type SPAM for invincibilty and you also wont need to find colord keys to operate elevators. F-29 Retaliator Choose DIDYMEN for your name, click COLONEL icon and hit RETURN. FAERY TALE ADVENTURE In the dungeons and cave you can go through opening doors, restore your position and you will still have all your keys. Repeat as often as you need. Find the green turtle, jump on his back and start attacking. Nothing will happen except your bravery points will keep piling up. On the Crystal Castle Island press right mouse button while speaking with the Sorceress and luck increases to 65. ASK the Sorceress seveal times. A secret entrance to the fort exists. On the left side, near even with the door. Save a game to a back up file and patch byte 18 to a non-zero value and you know have these cheats at your disposal: ARROW KEYS - Move very fast over any terrain B - Summon Gold Swan R - Rescue Princess = - Display Coordinates F9 - Increase time by one hour F10 - Location in coordinates FALCON CONTROL X will rearm your weapons. FIGHTER BOMBER BUCKAROO for your name and the Amiga speaks to you, then lets you access all 16 missions. FLYING SHARK On the high score screen enter HSC or KDJ for infinite lives or invul- nerability, respectively. FORGOTTEN WORLDS Type ARC at the front screen then hit HELP. Now press S in game to auto enter the shops, and N will skip levels. FUSION Press ESC to quit, then E and you can skip levels by using + and -. Same can be achieved by typing SWAMP THING at the brags. To jump right into the editor push diagonaly up/left, fire, the E. GEMINI WINGS The warp codes for levels 2-7 are: 2 - mrwimpey 3 - classics 4 - whizzkid 5 - gunshots 6 - doodguyz 7 - d.gibson GHOULS N GHOSTS As soon as the game starts type KAREN BROADHURST for invincibility. GOLDRUNNER Type EASYMODE on high score screen and now F9 to skip levels, and makes you invulnerable. F8 turns of cheat (why???). GRAVITY FORCE Level 5 - AGNUS Level 10 - PARSEC Level 15 - CRYSTAL Level 20 - REACTOR HARD DRIVIN Attain full speed then hit N. You continue at full speed with easy steer- ing and invincibility and unlimited time. HAWKEYE Press the DELETE key on death to skip to next level. HELTER SKELTER Level 11 - spin Level 21 - flip Level 31 - ball HYBRIS Type COMMANDER on the high score screen and be invincible. Hit F7 to activate keys F1-F6 for super weapons. IK+ When hit, pause then unpause, your invincible. INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE (Arcade) Type IEHOVAH on the title screen and wait till it flashes. Hit L in the game to skip levels and 1-2 to skip sections of levels. INSANITY FLIGHT Hold both mouse buttons, the joystick button, and the L key and you can skip to any level. INTERPHASE Type FENNY (capitol F, rest lowercase) then press left mouse to cycle though all the objects. KARATE KID II Press P to skip the level. KINGS QUEST III When casting a spell and asked to recite a verse just hit RETURN. LEISURE SUIT LARRY You can go to any location in the game by by hitting ALT-D and entering (TP). It asks for a location number, so enter 008-045. Skip the proof of age questions by hitting ALT X. LEONARDO Level 10 - Emmentaler Level 20 - Alphorn Level 30 - Matterhorn Level ?? - Ivanhoe MAGIC MARBLE Level 01 - Advertiser Level 02 - Everywhere Level 03 - Toothpaste Level 04 - Connection Level 05 - Cleverness Level 06 - Copywriter Level 07 - Television Level 08 - Cigarettes Level 09 - Complicate Level 10 - Impossible Level 11 - Interested MARBLE MADNESS Stay right where you start. NEW ZEALAND STORY Pause, press M. After you hear the laser type in MOTHERFUCKENKIWIBASTARD for unlimiteds. On level 2.4 stand at the entrance to the octopus room and fire to the right a few. A warp will take you to level 3.1. NINJA WARRIORS Here are a few fun effects you can try. Press the CAPS key then type in code belows, then press CAPS again. THE TERMINATOR - Ninja body parts explode when you die. MONTY PTHON - Enemies walk backwards. SKIPPY - Enemies bounce. A SMALL STEP FOR MAN - Moon gravity. STEVE AUSTIN - Press S during play toggles slow motion on/off. OPERATION THUNDERBOLT Get at least 50,000 and enter WIGAN NINJA for your name. Now hit F7 for level skipping. OUTRUN Type RED BARCHETTA for cheat mode then: T - 10 extra seconds S - Skip level B Restart same level P47 Type ZEBEDEE on high scores then F1 to skip levels and F2 for lives. PACLAND Type AVALON on the titles for infinites. PIPELINE The codes are FOLD, EYES, EGGS, TEAR, PEAS, DUCT, & PODS. PIPEMANIA The passwords are GRIP, TICK, DUCK, OOZE, BLOB, BALL, & WILD. PLATOON Type HAMBURGER-HILL and use the minus key on keypad you can now use F1- F4 to skip levels. POOL OF RADIANCE Once you find any item you can make as many copies of it as you want. 1 - Create a dummy character. 2 - Load a saved game and transfer all the good items to the dummy. 3 - Remove the dummy character from the party. 4 - Load the dummy character back in. 5 - Transfer the items to other members. 6 - Drop the dummy character from the party. 7 - Repeat steps 4-6 as many times as needed. This also works for Curse of the Azure Bonds and Champions of Krynn. POPULOUS Enter KILLUSPAL on the title page to warp to level 999. R-TYPE Enter SUMITA at the high score screen for infinite lives. RAINBOW ISLANDS Type these codes on the title page: BLRBJSBJ - Fast Feet RJSBJSBR - Double Rainbows SSSLLRRS - Faster Rainbows BJBJBJRS - Displays hint LJLSLBLS - Displays another nint SJBLRJSR - Unknown LBSJRLJL - Continue on all rounds RAMBO III If you get a high score enter RENEGADE for your name. Hit 1-3 to skip levels. RETURN OF THE JEDI At the high score table type DARTH VADER now hit F2 to skip levels. RICK DANGEROUS Type POOKY at the score screen to continue with the current level. RINGS OF MEDUSA After typing your name type DESOXYRIBONUKLEINSAEURE then HELP. ROADBLASTERS Type LAVILLASTRANGIATO on the starting line then: X - Spin Car S - Skip Stage P - Refuel G - End Game 1 - Mount UZ Cannon 2 - Cruise Missles 3 - Electro Shields 4 - Nitro Injectors 0 - Remove all weapons ROBOCOP Pause and type BEST KEPT SECRET for invincibility. ROCK N ROLL Type RAINBOW ARTS for your name. To level warp enter: Level number, XX, followed by four digits when added together equal the level number, XX, and then the level number reversed. Example: Level 12 Enter - 12 XX 3333 XX 21 To hear the sountrack type COUNTRY Find the special hole on level 1. Its suronded by 3 left pointing arrows. Fall down the hole, press left mouse. You have warped to level 33. ROTOR Level 1 - GAG Level 2 - LIP Level 3 - FLY Level 4 - MEN Level 5 - AWE Level 6 - TNT PIT for the battle sim. SHADOW OF THE BEAST For infinites hold down both mouse buttons and joystick and keep em held till the Insert Disk 2 prompt appears. SIM CITY Hold SHIFT, type FUND and get $10,000. SINBAD As you are about to die select the close icon, then continue. SPACE ACE To see the entire game just type DODEMODEXTER. SPHERICAL The codes are: RADAGAST YARMAK ORCSLAYER SKYFIRE MIRGAL GHANIMA GLIEF MOURNBLADE JADAWIN GUMBA CHACMAL STARFLIGHT In the trade depot at the space station buy " 1000" Endurium. Sell it all back and you have an additional 20,000 mu's. If you only sell 990 back you get 2,714,000 mu's. STARGLIDER Slow down your ship and hit F1 for fixed sights. BACKSPACE to pause game and JS ARG S for invincibility, unlimited fuel & shields. Press P to get more missles. Press Z for secret object viewer. Press P to pause then use , & . to use objects. STARGLIDER II Slow down your ship & hit F for fixed sights. BACKSPACE to pause game and type WERE ON A MISSION FROM GOD, then press 1. Shield & Weapons are now fixed and press K for weapons. STORMLORD While the game loads hold the left mouse and joystick buttons. Press the SPACE as the game starts then type MNBYC for infinite lives and time. Press L for level skips. STORMTROOPER JAMES CAMERON on the high score screen will get you lives by hitting F9. STRIDER Hit F9 to pause. Hold down HELP, LEFT SHIFT, and 1. Let go then hit F10 to begin. Now you can use keys 1-5 to warp to the levels. Hitiing F1-F4 will warp to sections 1-4 of each level. Also, F1-F4 revamps energy. STRYX Hold HELP M E for restock everything. SUPER HANG-ON Get the high score for the continent and enter 750J for name. Hold down CONTROL, LEFT ALT, Z, T as the credits changes. Let go of the T and you activate cheat. Press the AMIGA key to activate your machine guns! Enter new coefficiants for the road turns using the keypad. The initial sets are 60 and 45. SUPERCARS Level 2 - ODIE Level 3 - BIGC RICH gets you $500,000. SWITCHBLADE Type POOKY on the high scores and 1-5 for level warps. SWORD OF SODAN Play, get a high, type NANCY for unlimiteds. TEST DRIVE Hold the button as you negotiate curves and you wont crash. TEST DRIVE II - THE DUEL AERF - Fast acceleration, quick braking. GASS - Jump to gas station with amazing time. GASST - Jump to gas station with average time. ,BRUCE - Change road signs. 6OUTRAN - Unknown. THREE STOOGES Slow down the scene selector by entering the slapping game and pulling Curlys ear till time runs out. THUNDERBIRDS Level 2 - RECOVERY Level 3 - ALOYSIUS Level 4 - ANDERSON THUNDERBLADE Type CRASH to skip levels with the HELP key. UNTOUCHABLES Pause the game then type these codes to skip levels: 1 - Bride Rolls 2 - Mac N Alley 3 - Kid Zapping 4 - A Nit in Time Type SOUTHAMPTONGAZETTE and hit F10 for level skips. Press HELP on levels 2, 3 and 6 to warp to second half. VIGILANTE Type GREEN CRYSTAL on the score board then press F1 for extra lives & F8 to skip levels. VIRUS Hold ENTER on keypad and press P then O. Now: F - Refuel L - Move Lines C - Special Effects N - Resume Game VOYAGER Type WHEN THE SWEET SHOWERS OF APRIL FALL on options screen for cheats. WIZBALL Pause and enter RAINBOWT for cheats. X-Out On the equip screen select the white bug ship and put it on the grid area then choose the single orange laser, drag to the face of the shop owner & keep clicking the left mouse button till you get $500,000. XENON Kill yourself on level 2, stage 2 ad all the aliens will die. Xybots Enter ALF for your name at brag screen for infinites. ZANY GOLF To get to the secret level make it to the last level (good luck) and look for the mousehole. When the two eyes flash knock the ball in and off you go to the Mystery hole. ZOOM Hit F10 and then choose your starting level 1-30. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats it for this time, cheats for 118 great (and not so great) games!! 11 new games with cheats added this time,plus several expanded. For up to the minute versions be sure to call the CIA BBS and tell em the Angel sent ya. CIA BBS LINE ONE 501-470-0624 9,600 baud HST CIA BBS LINE TWO 501-470-0783 2,400 baud users and below 440 megs, on-line games, conference mode, give it a try! Only Amiga!! Sysop Tim Grooms -Fallen Angel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Entries = 118 as of 09-07-90 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This work (C) 1990 Fallen Angel, Anarchy Amiga, and Citadel Harrier Anarchy Amiga TM Citadel Harrier Absolutely all rights reserved ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a complete list of services available to you, send $2 and recieve a disk with all the details and samples to: Randy Clifton RT 5 BX 663 Conway,AR 72032 Also availble now are Nude Pics disks 1-15, $4 each. W A N T E D --------------- Looking for all magazines with Amiga information, used software, hardware, and other such. Send a list of what you have when you order the sampler. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------