This tool can decode many data files from Dungeon Master Nexus, including all graphics and texts. Fully extracted
FACE.BIN: Champion portraits
FONT256.S2D: Font
LOGOBG.DG2: Title screen
MENU.BPK: User interface graphics
NBG3.BIN: Font
POTEFT.BIN (Unknown use of PALT items)
SMAP00.BIN to SMAP15.BIN: Automap of each level as shown in-game, 16 files
STABG.BIN: Champion status box graphics
TITLE.BIN: Title UI graphics
TITLE.CG: Title ‘N’, ‘E’, ‘X’, ‘U’, ‘S’ graphics
WARNING.BIN: Bitmaps of warning messages about saving the game
Partially extracted
DM.BIN: Font, may contain some other images. This is the main game program.
ITEM.IBS: Item graphics and data. Unkown meaning of some bytes in header and in item declarations. 632 bytes at the end (probably animations) are not decoded.
RHIFIX.BIN: Texts (Spells). A DYNA and a CRET items are not decoded.
RLOWFIX.BIN: Fonts (Kanji) and texts. Two CRET items are not decoded.
SNDLEV00.MAP to SNDLEV15.MAP and SNDLEV00.SAL to SNDLEV15.SAL: Sound data, 32 files
LEV00.DGN to LEV15.DGN: dungeon maps, 16 files, 3D data. Incomplete X3D models and all bitmaps are extracted
This archive contains the VBScript and the .txt files to support text decoding. Usage: in Windows Explorer, drag and drop the folder containing all of the Dungeon Master Nexus files on the VBscript file. The script will decode each file into its own subfolder in the same location as the script itself.
Conversion to .Net executable
kentaro.k-21 has ported this script to a .Net executable, available here