Dungeon Master II for PC-9821 and Dungeon Master II for Macintosh (Japanese) contain the following 6 music tracks.
Dungeon Master II for FM-Towns contains the same music but tracks 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are slightly less loud. It also contains an additional track 8 that consists of 4 seconds of silence.
Dungeon Master II for Sega CD / Mega CD contain the same tracks except for track 7 which is replaced by track consisting of 15 seconds of silence.
Music starts playing when the party moves to the listed square coordinates.
Track index (as in CD.DAT) | Where the music is played (Level, X, Y) |
Dungeon Master II (Japan, PC-9821) - Track 02 | (06,15,36), (06,09,36), (06,07,30), (06,15,26), (06,37,57), (06,83,36), (06,84,26), (06,84,17) Shop entrances |
Dungeon Master II (Japan, PC-9821) - Track 03 | (06,35,26) Skullkeep entrance |
Dungeon Master II (Japan, PC-9821) - Track 04 | Game over |
Dungeon Master II (Japan, PC-9821) - Track 05 | Main menu |
Dungeon Master II (Japan, PC-9821) - Track 06 | (10,06,06) Void (final fight with Dragoth) |
Dungeon Master II (Japan, PC-9821) - Track 07 | Unused |
Retail price: ¥12800
Disassembled code:
1A89:2B19|c8 12 00 00 | |enter 0012,00
1A89:2B1D|c6 46 ff 00 | |mov byte [bp-01],00
1A89:2B21|**16** | |push ss --> jmp 2B64
1A89:2B22|**8d** 46 ee | |lea ax,[bp-12]
1A89:2B25|50 | |push ax
1A89:2B26|ff 36 a4 5f | |push word [5FA4]
1A89:2B2A|c4 1e 34 5e | |les bx,[5E34]
1A89:2B2E|26 ff 5f 50 | |call far word es:[bx+50]
1A89:2B32|83 c4 06 | |add sp,0006
1A89:2B35|1e | |push ds
1A89:2B36|68 93 3b | |push 3B93
1A89:2B39|16 | |push ss
1A89:2B3A|8d 46 ee | |lea ax,[bp-12]
1A89:2B3D|50 | |push ax
1A89:2B3E|9a 69 00 cd 06 |R|call 06CD:0069
1A89:2B43|83 c4 08 | |add sp,0008
1A89:2B46|0b c0 | |or ax,ax
1A89:2B48|74 1a | |je 00002B64 ($+1a)
1A89:2B4A|8a 46 ff | |mov al,[bp-01]
1A89:2B4D|50 | |push ax
1A89:2B4E|6a 13 | |push 0013
1A89:2B50|9a fc 02 d6 04 |R|call 04D6:02FC
1A89:2B55|59 | |pop cx
1A89:2B56|59 | |pop cx
1A89:2B57|50 | |push ax
1A89:2B58|9a 6b 00 d6 04 |R|call 04D6:006B
1A89:2B5D|59 | |pop cx
1A89:2B5E|c6 46 ff 14 | |mov byte [bp-01],14
1A89:2B62|eb bd | |jmp short 00002B21 ($-43)
1A89:0E7E|**16** | |push ss --> jmp 0EC4
1A89:0E7F|**8d** 86 78 ff | |lea ax,[bp-0088]
1A89:0E83|50 | |push ax
1A89:0E84|ff 36 a4 5f | |push word [5FA4]
1A89:0E88|c4 1e 34 5e | |les bx,[5E34]
1A89:0E8C|26 ff 5f 50 | |call far word es:[bx+50]
1A89:0E90|83 c4 06 | |add sp,0006
1A89:0E93|1e | |push ds
1A89:0E94|68 88 3b | |push 3B88
1A89:0E97|16 | |push ss
1A89:0E98|8d 86 78 ff | |lea ax,[bp-0088]
1A89:0E9C|50 | |push ax
1A89:0E9D|9a 69 00 cd 06 |R|call 06CD:0069
1A89:0EA2|83 c4 08 | |add sp,0008
1A89:0EA5|0b c0 | |or ax,ax
1A89:0EA7|74 1b | |je 00000EC4 ($+1b)
1A89:0EA9|8a 46 eb | |mov al,[bp-15]
1A89:0EAC|50 | |push ax
1A89:0EAD|6a 13 | |push 0013
1A89:0EAF|9a fc 02 d6 04 |R|call 04D6:02FC
1A89:0EB4|59 | |pop cx
1A89:0EB5|59 | |pop cx
1A89:0EB6|50 | |push ax
1A89:0EB7|9a 6b 00 d6 04 |R|call 04D6:006B
1A89:0EBC|59 | |pop cx
1A89:0EBD|c6 46 eb 14 | |mov byte [bp-15],14
1A89:0EC1|e9 88 fe | |jmp 00000D4C ($-178)