(02,47) もも肉 / Drumstick
(07,17) パン / Bread
(08,22) 毒矢 / Slayer
(12,35) エメラルドの鍵 / Emerald Key
(14,35) 蛇の杖 / Snake Staff
(18,34) 黒がねブ-ツ / Greave of Darc
(21,38) 手裏剣 / Throwing Star
(21,39) 手裏剣 / Throwing Star
(26,33) 癒しの書 / Heal all
(28,45) 黒かねシ-ルド / Shield of Darc
(29,07) もも肉 / Drumstick, リンゴ / Apple
(29,13) フル爆弾 / Ful Bomb
(30,08) 毒矢 / Slayer
(31,10) 黒がねグリ-ブ / Poleyn of Darc
(36,19) 毒投げ矢 / Poison Dart
(37,17) 毒投げ矢 / Poison Dart
(37,43) トウモロコシ / Corn
(38,26) 首切り斧 / Executioner
(40,27) 闇の剣 / Dark Sword
(42,26) 力のグリ-ブ / Powertowers
(43,20) 黒がねの兜 / Helm of Darc
(43,26) 毒矢 / Slayer
(46,02) ラーの剣 / Ra Sword
(47,57) 対ヴェン秘薬 / Antivenin
(52,49) 毒矢 / Slayer
(52,50) 毒矢 / Slayer
(53,30) リンゴ / Apple
(53,31) 生命力の書 / Vitality Potion
(53,50) スピ-ドブ-ツ / Boots of Speed
(54,30) 矢 / Arrow
(54,31) 水入りフラスコ / Water Flask, 秘薬ヴィー / Vi Potion
(56,23) プラチナ兜 / Helm of Lyte
(57,23) ルビーの鍵 / Ruby Key
(58,23) フル爆弾 / Ful Bomb
(58,24) もも肉 / Drumstick, リンゴ / Apple
(58,25) たいまつ / Torch
(59,46) リンゴ / Apple
(59,57) モ-ニングスタ- / Morningstar
(60,08) 毒投げ矢 / Poison Dart, 石 / Rock
料金:金貨1枚 制限時間:15秒
Welcome to the shooting range!
You can throw anything you like.
If you can hit the target
successfully you will
receive a great prize!
Fee: 1 gold coin
Time limit: 15 seconds
Invisible walls
The color of the floor
will guide you
Cowards, don’t enter here!
Only the brave shall move forward
Zor’s maze
Clear the way with magical power
Believe in your strength and throw
(35,44) Ruby Key
(12,62) Any item
(13,49) Topaz Key
(04,44) Emerald Key
A. (12,61) Shooting range: Coin slot accepts any item. Rewards: Plate of Darc then Dragon Steak
(42,11) Giant scorpion
(08,55) Deth Knight (Gold) [Topaz Key]
(02,45) Hell Hound Generator
(01,39) Oitu Generator
(06,29) Hell Hound
(28,07) Oitu
(28,13) Oitu
(34,58) Oitu Generator
(32,59) Deth Knight (Gold) Generator
(47,46) Oitu
(52,48) Oitu
(56,60) Deth Knight (Gold)
(60,34) Hell Hound