Dungeon Master for Apple IIGS requires 1 MB of memory (1024 KB) as stated on the box and will fail to start with message ‘Not enough RAM for Dungeon Master’ if there is less memory installed in the computer. On ROM01 computers, the game works fine with this amount of RAM. On ROM03 computers (which have 1.125 MB = 1152 KB of built-in RAM), version 2.0 can load the Kid dungeon successfully but fails to load the main dungeon with this message: ‘Dungeon Master fatal error ->002C’ (meaning there is not enough memory available to load the dungeon graphics). This issue was fixed in version 2.1. Adding expansion memory also fixes the issue.
Keyboard commands
1, 2, 3, 4 (not on the numeric pad): Toggle champion inventory
This archive contains the following disk images: Dungeon Master for Apple IIGS 2.0 (English) Original (Not working).po Dungeon Master for Apple IIGS 2.1 (English) Original (Not working).po
Both of these versions contain copies of the original floppy disks (except the copy protection sector) and cannot be started because of the copy protection
Dungeon Master for Apple IIGS 2.0 (English) Cracked (Computist), Cheat CDA.po Dungeon Master for Apple IIGS 2.1 (English) Cracked (Computist), Cheat CDA.po
Dungeon Master for Apple IIGS 2.0 (English) Cracked (ACS).po
Cracked version of the game by ACS
Dungeon Master for Apple IIGS 2.0 (English) Cracked (ACS), Cheat CDA, HD install.po
The Dungeon Master Hard Drive Patcher (for Apple IIGS) was applied in this version so you may copy the files anywhere on a hard drive. The Dungeon Master Cheat 1.1 (for Apple IIGS) is enabled in this version. Start the game by running DM.HARD.DISK/DM20/DM.START. Note: Dungeon Master runs fine from System 6.0.1 however the Cheat CDA does not, that’s why System 4.0 was installed in this hard disk image.
Dungeon Master for Apple IIGS (English) Savedisk.po
This is an empty save disk that you can insert in the second floppy disk drive.
Based on the information published in multiple parts in Computist magazine (see below), here are the instructions to crack Dungeon Master for Apple IIGS version 2.0 and 2.1
Format a blank 3.5 floppy disk.
Copy the original disk using any program that will ignore errors. This will write a block $17 with no errors although the original block contains errors (this is the block containing fuzzy bits for the copy protection). It is important that the block content is copied even if there are no more fuzzy bits on the copy (these bits are now normal static bits with the values read during the copy operation).
Use a sector editor to modify the disk or a hex editor to modify the files. You should check for the correct bytes on your version of Dungeon Master before writing to the disk. Search the bytes below if they don’t show up in the specified locations.
In file SYSTEM/START, patch function PDosInt so that it returns an error $0027 when called to read the copy protected block $17. This change prevents the message “Dungeon Master game disk damaged! 0000” when booting from the floppy disk. In block 0DC at offset 83 change 00 to 27: Search for 68 8F 34 08 00 22 A8 00 E1 00 00 00 00 00 00 B0 03 A9 00 00 8F 02 00 02 AF 51 08 00 48 8B AF 50 then change the A9 00 00 to A9 27 00.
In file DUNGEON.MASTER, patch function F0003_MAIN_ProcessNewPartyMap_CPSE to replace a branch instruction with NOP instructions to bypass a reading of the copy protected block $17. This change prevents animation from freezing (for example a thrown item does not move and stays in the air). In block 0FE at offset 6F-70 change 90 03 to EA EA: Search for 38 ED 50 02 48 8A ED 52 02 AA 68 22 71 21 00 90 03 82 8A 00 AE 50 00 AD 4E 00 18 69 01 00 48 8A then change the 90 03 to EA EA.
In file DUNGEON.MASTER, patch routine F2150_ (which reads the fuzzy bits block twice and compares them to check for fuzzy bits) to invert its boolean result (by swapping the CLC and SLC instructions) so that when two readings of the copy protected sector are identical it returns a success instead of a failure. This change prevents the message “That’s not the master disk!” when saving the game. For version 2.0: in block 104 at offset 110 change 18 to 38 and in block 104 at offset 114 change 38 to 18. For version 2.1: in block 0E6 at offset 110 change 18 to 38 and in block 0E6 at offset 114 change 38 to 18. Search for 25 29 1B 1B F0 01 E8 88 88 10 E9 E0 00 00 F0 04 18 AB 2B 6B 38 AB 2B 6B 78 C2 30 8D C2 14 E2 20 then change the 18 AB 2B 6B 38 to 38 AB 2B 6B 18.