To apply the crack, follow these steps (this applies to version 2.0a, version 2.0b is not copy protected and does not need cracking):
Open the file NECIO.EXE in a hexadecimal editor.
Go to offset 1CF1h and replace ‘74 03 EB 62’ by ‘EB 64 EB 62’. This will remove the protection check when you start a new game.
Open the file FIRES.EXE in a hexadecimal editor.
Go to offset 2636Dh and replace ‘26 FF 5F 58’ by ‘90 90 90 90’. Although not mandatory for the crack to work, this will disable attempts to read the copy protection sector from the floppy disk, which would fail anyway when using a copied disk.
Go to offset 263A3h and replace ‘4F 74 01’ by ‘4F 74 00’.
Go to offset 263BDh and replace ‘4F 74 03’ by ‘4F 74 00’. This will cause copy protection sector checks to always succeed.