There are 24 champions available in Dungeon Master. You can resurrect or reincarnate up to 4 of them:
Resurrecting a champion keeps all its skills and statistics,
Reincarnating a champion slightly improves statistics and removes all skill levels.
Reincarnation is better than resurrection in the long term, because champions will progress quickly and gain more points in statistics.
Portrait, Name, Gender Skills (Level in each hidden skill) Equipment | Statistics | |
1. Iaido Ruyito Chiburi (Male) Apprentice Fighter (Swing: 2, Thrust: 3, Club: 0, Parry: 2) Ghi, Ghi Trousers, Samurai Sword | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 48 65 11 40 43 55 40 35 45 50 45 |
2. Zed Duke Of Banville (Male) Novice Fighter (Swing: 2, Thrust: 1, Club: 1, Parry: 2) Mail Aketon, Blue Pants, Hosen, Torch | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 60 60 10 58 40 40 40 50 40 40 42 |
3. Chani Sayyadina Sihaya (Female) Novice Fighter (Swing: 1, Thrust: 3, Club: 0, Parry: 2) Silk Shirt, Gunna, Sandals, Moonstone (+3 Mana, +1 Priest skill level in Influence) | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 47 67 17+3 57 37 47 57 37 47 37 40 |
4. Hawk The Fearless (Male) Novice Fighter (Swing: 2, Thrust: 0, Club: 0, Parry: 2) Leather Jerkin, Leather Pants, Suede Boots, Arrow (2) | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 70 85 10 40 45 35 38 55 35 35 46 |
5. Boris Wizard Of Baldor (Male) Novice Ninja (Steal: 3, Fight: 2, Throw: 1, Shoot: 0) Tunic, Leather Pants, Leather Boots, Rabbit’s Foot (+10 Luck) | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 35 65 28 25+10 35 45 55 40 45 40 38 |
6. Alex Ander (Male) Apprentice Ninja (Steal: 3, Fight: 2, Throw: 3, Shoot: 2) Leather Jerkin, Leather Pants, Suede Boots, Sling | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 50 57 13 47 44 55 45 40 35 40 46 |
7. Nabi The Prophet (Male) Apprentice Priest (Identify: 1, Heal: 1, Influence: 4, Defend: 2) Tunic, Blue Pants, Sandals, Staff (+2 Mana) | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 55 65 13+2 40 41 36 45 45 55 55 43 |
8. Hissssa Lizar Of Makan (Male) Apprentice Fighter (Swing: 4, Thrust: 3, Club: 0, Parry: 0) - | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 80 61 5 40 58 48 35 35 43 55 57 |
9. Gothmog (Male) Journeyman Wizard (Fire: 4, Air: 3, Earth: 2, Water: 2) Cloak of Night (+8 Dexterity) | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 60 55 18 30 40 35+8 48 34 50 59 42 |
10. Sonja She Devil (Female) Journeyman Fighter (Swing: 3, Thrust: 4, Club: 2, Parry: 3) Halter, Gunna, Sandals, Choker, Sword | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 65 70 2 40 54 45 39 49 40 40 54 |
11. Leyla Shadowseek (Female) Journeyman Ninja (Steal: 3, Fight: 3, Throw: 3, Shoot: 4) Silk Shirt, Leather Pants, Leather Boots, Rope | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 48 60 3 50 40 53 45 47 45 35 42 |
12. Mophus The Healer (Male) Journeyman Priest (Identify: 2, Heal: 4, Influence: 3, Defend: 2) Robe (Body), Robe (Legs), Sandals, Bread, Cheese, Apple | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 55 55 19 40 42 35 40 48 40 45 44 |
13. Wuuf The Bika (Female) Apprentice Ninja (Steal: 1, Fight: 2, Throw: 3, Shoot: 4) Leather Jerkin, Empty Flask | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 40 50 30 60 33 57 45 40 35 40 37 |
14. Stamm Bladecaster (Male) Journeyman Fighter (Swing: 3, Thrust: 4, Club: 2, Parry: 2) Tunic, Leather Pants, Suede Boots, Axe | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 75 80 0 35 52 43 35 50 35 55 52 |
15. Azizi Johari (Female) Novice Fighter (Swing: 2, Thrust: 1, Club: 3, Parry: 0) Halter, Barbarian Hide, Hide Shield, Dagger (2) | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 61 77 7 47 47 48 42 45 30 35 48 |
16. Leif The Valiant (Male) Apprentice Fighter (Swing: 3, Thrust: 2, Club: 2, Parry: 0) Leather Jerkin, Leather Pants, Leather Boots | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 75 70 7 35 46 40 39 50 45 45 47 |
17. Tiggy Tamal (Female) Novice Ninja (Steal: 1, Fight: 3, Throw: 1, Shoot: 1) Kirtle, Gunna, Sandals, Wand (+1 Mana) (Charges=15) | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 25 45 35+1 45 30 45 50 35 59 40 34 |
18. Wu Tse Son Of Heaven (Female) Novice Ninja (Steal: 1, Fight: 2, Throw: 0, Shoot: 3) Silk Shirt, Tabard, Sandals, Throwing Star (3) | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 45 47 20 40 38 35 53 45 47 40 41 |
19. Daroou (Male) Apprentice Fighter (Swing: 3, Thrust: 0, Club: 3, Parry: 0) - | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 100 65 6 35 50 30 35 45 30 45 50 |
20. Halk The Barbarian (Male) Journeyman Fighter (Swing: 4, Thrust: 0, Club: 4, Parry: 0) Bezerker Helm, Barbarian Hide, Sandals, Club | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 90 75 0 40 55 43 30 46 38 48 54 |
21. Syra Child Of Nature (Female) Novice Priest (Identify: 0, Heal: 3, Influence: 1, Defend: 1) Elven Doublet, Tabard, Apple | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 53 72 15 55 38 35 43 45 42 40 41 |
22. Gando Thurfoot (Male) Apprentice Ninja (Steal: 3, Fight: 0, Throw: 2, Shoot: 3) Leather Jerkin, Blue Pants, Leather Boots, Poison Dart (2) | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 39 63 26 50 39 45 47 33 48 43 42 |
23. Linflas (Male) Apprentice Fighter (Swing: 0, Thrust: 1, Club: 2, Parry: 4) Elven Doublet, Elven Huke, Elven Boots (+3 Load), Bow | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 65 50 12 45 45 45 47 35 50 35 46+3 |
24. Elija Lion Of Yaitopya (Male) Novice Fighter (Swing: 1, Thrust: 1, Club: 2, Parry: 0) Robe (Body), Robe (Legs), Sandals, Magical Box (Blue) | Health Stamina Mana Luck Strength Dexterity Wisdom Vitality Anti-Magic Anti-Fire Load | 60 58 22 50 42 40 42 36 53 40 44 |
Most of the information below was given by Andy Jaros, one of the creators of the game: