01 (04,09) Apple
02 (05,11) Bread
03 (04,14) Torch (Charges=15)
04 (04,15) Water (Charges=3), Scroll (“Invoke Ful for a magic torch”)
05 (04,17) Scroll (“New lives for old bones”)
06 (00,16) Corn
07 (02,13) Bread
08 (02,12) Cheese
09 (02,11) Apple
I01 (08,04) “Hall Of Champions”
I02 (04,17) “Vi Altar Of Rebirth”
A. (01,04) You can use the spell “See Through Walls” in front of the door to see Lord Order. If you come back here with the Firestaff (not completed with the power gem), the door opens, then you are teleported in front of Lord Order where you can see an alternate game end:
B. (09,04) Choose four Dungeon Master Champions.
C01 (10,04) Iaido Ruyito Chiburi
C02 (10,05) Zed Duke Of Banville
C03 (14,03) Chani Sayyadina Sihaya
C04 (15,04) Hawk The Fearless
C05 (14,06) Boris Wizard Of Baldor
C06 (16,08) Alex Ander
C07 (17,09) Nabi The Prophet
C08 (16,14) Hissssa Lizar Of Makan
C09 (16,17) Gothmog
C10 (14,12) Sonja She Devil
C11 (13,12) Leyla Shadowseek
C12 (13,14) Mophus The Healer
C13 (12,13) Wuuf The Bika
C14 (11,15) Stamm Bladecaster
C15 (07,16) Azizi Johari
C16 (08,15) Leif The Valiant
C17 (09,13) Tiggy Tamal
C18 (07,13) Wu Tse Son Of Heaven
C19 (06,13) Daroou
C20 (07,09) Halk The Barbarian
C21 (09,09) Syra Child Of Nature
C22 (11,10) Gando Thurfoot
C23 (12,09) Linflas
C24 (09,07) Elija Lion Of Yaitopya